Why Become a HHGBS Member?
By becoming a Society member you’re helping to green after-death practices in Haliburton County while passing on your commitment to environmental stewardship to future generations. Membership in the HHGBS helps extend your support for more ecologically sustainable after-death practices while you are alive into a legacy that will keep on living after you have passed on.
By pooling our resources, the members and active volunteers of the Haliburton Highlands Green Burial Society act to encourage the adoption of greener options to conventional high carbon burial and cremation practices, thereby reducing our individual and collective ecological footprint.
Who Should Join? Anyone desiring increased green and winter burial options in Haliburton, anyone interested in the cultural and environmental future of their community, as well as those wanting access to green end-of-life planning, educational and resource material. Membership is also open to seasonal residents and to non-residents with an interest in contributing to a greener future.
The 2025 cost of membership is $25 for individuals and $40 for a couple. You can join via the link on the website or by sending an email request to the HHGBS Secretary, Shirley Moore at smoore7031@gmail.com. Membership is renewed annually starting in December. You can join by regular mail by sending a cheque made out to the Haliburton Highlands Green Burial Society to HHGBS Secretary, 1193 Braeloch Rd., Algonquin Highlands, Ont., K0M1J2. Please ensure that you include your full name, address and telephone. Most contact is by email, so please include that address.
Membership fee payments and other donations to HHGBS now receive a charitable donation tax receipt.