Continuing the Green Burial Initiative
In Loving Memory of Kyle Andrew Moore
The Haliburton Highlands Green Burial Society (HHGBS) started with "The Green Burial Initiative" in memory of Kyle Moore.
This initiative focused on increasing public awareness of the environmental impact of conventional burial and cremation as well as the existence of more ecologically positive options. Green or Natural Burial is a more sustainable alternative for those looking to lower the environmental impact of their end-of-life choices and to pass on a greener ecological legacy to future generations.
The HHGBS is now a Registered Charity. Your tax-deductible fees and donations help to cover the costs of our community educational work and advocacy for green or natural burial. We greatly appreciate any contribution and offer the following options for doing so:
Preferred via: Canada Helps
Canada Helps is a national non-profit, no fee, secure payment partner that provides an immediate registered donation receipt
or Via e-transfer:
Send your e-transfer to
and use the following security question/answer.
Question: What is the name of the newsletter?
Answer: ForeverGreen
or Via cheque made payable to:
The Haliburton Highlands Green Burial Society (HHGBS)
and mailed to:
HHGBS, Attention Shirley Moore, Secretary,
1193 Braeloch Rd., Algonquin Highlands, Ontario K0M 1J2
Please put "Green Burial Initiative" in the memo line of the cheque. A tax receipt will be mailed for e-transfer and cheque payments. Be sure that your complete name and address is included.