Let’s create natural burial grounds all around Ontario, so everyone has the option of a gentle exit. Learn more about natural burial in Ontario at www.naturalburialassociation.ca
Human Composting Comes to Washington State
Cremation might seem like a mess and a waste; the nutritive potential of the body is literally set on fire. By contrast, said Philip Olson, a technology ethicist and professor at Virginia Tech who studies death, Recompose’s method seems clean and useful.
Putting a body through this process “makes it compost, which is this nutrient-giving, life-sustaining thing,” Olson said. That’s appealing in an era defined both by accelerating climate change and a culture defined by productivity. Natural decomposition feels like a way to short-circuit the fear that “we are the virus”, while staying optimized, even in death.
Once You Learn About Green Burial …
“I had never considered what should happen to my body after my death. Then one day, listening to CBC radio, I learned about green burial. I had no idea there was such a thing, and odd as it might sound, it resonated to the extent that I now dedicate much of my time doing what I can to promote natural burial.”https://www.dyingwithdignity.ca/green_burial